
News Year 7 classicists visit Cambridge 02.05.2024

Early on Tuesday morning, Year 7 eagerly departed for the annual trip to Cambridge with the Classics department. Each group visited the Cast Gallery at the University Classics Faculty, where they explored around 450 cast replicas of ancient statues, offering a glimpse into a thousand years of Greek and Roman sculptural history. The students showed genuine interest, observing changes in artistic techniques, depiction of emotion, and a wide array of subject matter.

They also made a visit to the Fitzwilliam Museum, where they enjoyed browsing through the Antiquities Gallery, which features a diverse collection of Greek and Roman artefacts, ranging from ornamental animals to funerary inscriptions, and sarcophagi to drinking vessels.

A glorious spring day allowed everyone to enjoy a sunny afternoon picnic along the King’s Backs. All groups also took a leisurely stroll around the city of Cambridge, admiring the architecture of university college buildings and indulging in some local sweets from the market.

Throughout the day, the students behaved impeccably, making the trip enjoyable and rewarding for all involved. Many thanks to everyone who made it such a successful day out.