
News Year 10 News and Journalism Project 10.06.2022

This week Year 10 students have been immersing themselves in the world of news and grappling with big issues such as what is real news versus fake news, and the importance of truth, impartiality, independence and accuracy in good news reporting. They looked at the qualities that make good journalism and the importance of innate curiosity, good research, asking the right questions, considering different perspectives, being present on the ground and speaking to eye-witnesses and gathering statements, and also how the internet and social media have changed how we consume news.

We were absolutely delighted to be joined by Old Dolphin Emma Irving (Class 2013) who is the Newsletter Editor at The Economist and who spoke to the students about her own career journey since leaving Godolphin to read English at Oxford University, including a stint at the BBC as a researcher and several years as Editor of The Know. Emma shared with our Year 10s some important insights, examples and techniques for using house-style and ensuring that copy and articles are well-written and newsworthy.

Our students then embarked on their own projects to realise their inner journalistic qualities and we very much look forward to discovering if there is the next Orla Guerin or Laura Kuenssberg amongst them.