
News Year 10 Geography Trip to Margam Discovery Centre 21.06.2019

Year 10 geographers spent the weekend in Margam Discovery Centre, South Wales, collecting data for their fieldwork investigations.

On the first day, they undertook a river study, looking at how the River Ogmore’s channel characteristics change from the source to the mouth. The focus of the second day was to examine the impact of industrial decline on the town of Port Talbot, presently home to one of the largest steelworks in Europe, and on the village of Glyncorrwg, nestled up in the valleys to the north of Port Talbot. On the third day of fieldwork, students walked through Cardiff assessing land use change from the city centre to Cardiff Bay.

The evenings were spent processing and presenting the data collected and the students will be writing up one of these investigations in full over the next couple of weeks. Despite some rain and unseasonably cold temperatures, the students embraced the challenge of the fieldwork and they were a credit to the school.