
News Year 10 Classicists visit the British Museum 17.06.2022

One of the distinct benefits of studying GCSE Classical Civilisation at a London school is having the fabulous British Museum on our doorstep! What better way for the Year 10s to refresh their knowledge of temple architecture and sculpture from the myth and religion unit than to spend Thursday afternoon visiting the Parthenon galleries and the room of Temple of Apollo at Bassae. Seeing the sculptures in the round was the best teaching tool for the students to appreciate  the composition, use of space and attention to detail.  We also ran a competition to produce the best tableau based on the composition of one of the Parthenon’s pediments, metopes or part of the frieze.  Year 10 Classicists are now experts at identifying  the myths and cultural significance behind these sculptures and the design of the temples.

I am sure, should parents or friends wish to go on a tour of these galleries themselves, our Godolphin Classicists would make very well-informed guides.