
News Why the Sixth Form are partnering with the Snowland School in Nepal to create positive social change 01.10.2020

Following on from the very successful talk during Challenge Your Limits ‘Dare to Care’ Week, we are delighted to welcome back Old Dolphin Zara Balfour (Class of 1994) and Phil Briggs, founders of Snowland Journeys. Snowland Journeys is a non-profit organisation that aims to provide sustainable long-term support to the children who attend the Snowland School and their families who live in the most remote mountainous regions of Nepal. Over the next year the Sixth Form Social Impact Committee will be partnering with the organisation to create positive social change for pupils in Nepal.

Godolphin students discussed key topics such as period poverty and education with Snowland graduate Tsering Diki and gained a deeper understanding of the struggles Snowland students face. The Committee brainstormed ideas and asked the important questions which will form the basis of an impactful and lasting global partnership.

This would not have been possible without Old Dolphin Zara who directed and produced the powerful award-winning documentary film, Children of the Snow Land, which details the struggles of Himalayan children attending school far from home and being separated from their families.