
News Upper Sixth Celebration Evening 2021 11.11.2021

Tuesday evening saw the return of the annual Upper Sixth Celebration Evening, which marks the year-group’s many and varied achievements throughout their time in the Sixth Form, and celebrates their successes in completing a superb array of personal research projects – both the Extended Essay, completed by all IB students, and the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), completed by A Level students.

This year’s celebration was particularly moving, with both parents and teachers celebrating a cohort who completed a significant portion of their projects while working remotely through the winter lockdown, and who spoke with remarkable eloquence and authority on a stunning array of topics, from linguistics to gender and politics, to biomimicry and aviation to Japanese Art and Spanish literature (in Spanish!). We are particularly grateful to all of the supervisors who supported the students in bringing their projects to completion, and look forward to further opportunities to celebrate this remarkable year-group’s achievements and contributions to school life in the months ahead.