
News Trio of Old Dolphins Discuss Life After University 03.03.2023

We were delighted to welcome three Old Dolphins from the Class of 2016 back to school on Tuesday to talk to our current Upper Sixth about their experiences since leaving university.

We organise this visit from Old Dolphins annually so our Upper Sixth can hear about the variety of opportunities, pathways and decisions that may await them both on leaving Godolphin and finishing their next stage of study. This year it was the turn of Alice, Mouki and Flavia to speak about their varied – sometimes unexpected – journeys as undergraduates at the start of their career. Mouki discussed her experiences with volunteering and the charity sector, her Masters in Migration and Public Policy and her current role at a non-profit criminal justice watchdog – certainly a busy few years under her belt.

Flavia works in the sustainable energy industry having studied Environment and Development at university. Our students were inspired to hear about the work Flavia does to secure investments towards solar energy, and that she also finds time to manage an international charity with a mission to alleviate poverty through renewable energy access! Alice spoke about her freelance career as a ‘digital nomad’, working from anywhere in the world on her own business offering brand strategy, web and graphic design, and social media management. Unsurprisingly, our Upper Sixth were particularly won over by the idea of working from the beach in Mexico!

We are so grateful to our Old Dolphins for sharing their stories and showing the Upper Sixth that life after university can offer so much excitement, change and opportunity. We are sure all the Upper Sixth students took away important lessons about how to approach their next steps. If you would like to return to the school to share your experience and expertise, please click here.