
News Harvard University Undergraduate Philosophy Programme for Sixth Formers 04.02.2021

Last week fourteen Sixth Form Philosophy students began a seven-week programme looking at philosophical logic and ‘The Art of the Argument’, delivered remotely by Professor Ned Hall, Chair of Philosophy at Harvard University.

During this exciting project the students will in effect become Harvard Undergraduates (albeit for one module) with access to the Harvard system, and all of the lectures, readings and questions that lie therein. With weekly seminars packed with discussion and brain aching problems, it is a unique opportunity for students to learn from a true world-expert and it is wonderful that so many students have jumped at the chance and risen to the challenge.

By the end of the course the students will have an understanding of formal logic and how to map its processes onto real world arguments, leading to clearer, more reasoned argumentation. This is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity for Sixth Form philosophers at the school, and we look forward to sharing updates with you as they progress through the programme.