
News Students Pledge to Reduce their Fashion Footprint 11.03.2022

Following on from their most recent session that focused on ‘Understanding Fashion Footprints’, the Year 10 Sustainable Fashion Team worked with Year 7 students to make their sustainable fashion pledges.

On Thursday they led a form-time session for Year 7 on how they can change their approach to fashion and shopping for the good of our planet. They explained the concept of SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-based) and, after some discussion in their groups, students had come up with a number of pledges that could turn a large and complex problem like fast-fashion into real, tangible change.

On Friday lunchtime, students then hung their pledges and ideas for reducing their fashion footprint on the walls of the lower corridor with the aim of inspiring their peers to consider the true cost of fast fashion and how they too can make a difference.