
News Students hear from a host of US Universities and Colleges 28.09.2023

This week, our Sixth Form students continued exploring the range of colleges and universities available in the United States by attending talks by the Admission Directors from Barnard, Boston College, University of Miami, and University of Southern California.

From learning about the unique Foundations Curriculum at Barnard and the Coral Reef Futures Lab at the University of Miami to finding out about the collaborative research projects at USC and the student-led service groups at Boston College, our pupils explored the breadth of learning opportunities which extend beyond the classroom.

Questions from students ranged from the special traditions developed over the centuries which are specific to each college to the factors that make an application stand out.

We will continue to host talks by Admission Directors to keep our students informed about the wide range of opportunities offered at international universities, with representatives from Dartmouth, Duke, Georgetown, Northwestern, Stanford, and Vanderbilt visiting us in the coming weeks.