
News Fundraising for the Snow Lands charity 21.04.2021

Just before the Easter break, members of the Social Impact Committee ran a form time with Year 7 students to talk about Snowland Journeys, one of the charities that the school is supporting.

Founded by Old Dolphin Zara Balfour (Class of 1994), Snowland Journeys aims to offer sustainable long-term support to the children, school and mountain families who she got to know whilst she was in Nepal making award-winning feature documentary film, Children of the Snow Land. The Social Impact Committee presented a slide show about the amazing journey that the children born in the High Himalayas of Nepal have to undertake – often at just four years of age – to go to school in the cities. The journey is so long that the children are unable to return to their villages to see their families for many years and until their education is complete, and then it is only possible if there is funding available for the very long trek home. Our Year 7 pupils listened intently, engaged with the discussion questions and brainstormed ideas of fundraising activities.

This was a successful introductory session for a longer workshop planned for later in the Summer Term.

Image courtesy of Snowland Journeys (www.snowlandjourneys.com).