
News Sixth Form Enrichment Talks 13.02.2020

The weekly enrichment slot in the Sixth Form timetable allows students to attend a variety of events and sessions that add something a little different to the school week. Over the term so far, the Upper Sixth students have attended two powerful talks from guest speakers: the first from Peter Hall on overcoming alcohol and drug abuse; the second, a presentation from Hibo Wardere, a female genital mutilation awareness campaigner. Meanwhile, the Lower Sixth have heard from the brilliant RAP Project on personal and online safety.

Next half-term, the Upper Sixth can look forward to a Q&A event with Richard Reed, the co-founder of Innocent Drinks, and the return of the RAP Project to discuss making the ‘big leap’ to independent living at university. Lower Sixth students will be using the weekly slot to make progress with the research for either their Extended Essay in the IB or Extended Project Qualification in the A Level pathway.