
News Sixth Form Art and Design students ‘Reclaim Magic’ at the Royal Academy of Art 08.10.2021

On Thursday evening, Sixth Form Art and Design students took in over 1,300 works of contemporary art and architecture – including a piece from our very own Miss Ockenden – when they visited the Royal Academy of Arts.

Sixth Form Art and Design Scholar Martha had this to say on the trip:

‘Describing itself as the ‘most joyful art exhibition’, the theme of the Royal Academy of Art’s 2021 Summer Exhibition was ‘Reclaiming Magic’. It’s an annual exhibit that begun in 1769, with traditions ranging from Varnishing Day, where historically painters would add the final touches of varnish to their work, to the amusingly named ‘Beef Tea’ which is offered to the selection committee as they undergo the eight-day process of hanging the works.

However, for all its history, our focus was firmly on the piece submitted by our wonderful art teacher, Miss Ockenden. Miss Ockenden’s work was a paper cutting using a scalpel on two layers of paper that came together to create an optical illusion, simultaneously offering the view down a staircase and out of a corridor window. It speaks volumes to say that there are roughly 18,000 entries every year, and that Miss Ockenden’s art was among the 1,300 exhibited! With the enormous range of media, from statues to tapestries to 3D paintings (and even a giant red pineapple sculpture) it was a really enjoyable visit for us all.’