
News School Production of ‘The Crucible’ 15.02.2019

For the last three nights, audiences have been kept on the edge of their seats with the enthralling performance of ‘The Crucible’. Written in response to the anti-communist crusade led by Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s, Arthur Miller’s play remains just as relevant and shocking today as when it was first performed.

The minimalist set with revolving stage – a first for the Bishop Centre – and puritanical costumes (dark cloaks, ecclesiastic gowns and stark white hosiery) really brought to life Salem in 1692. All the cast were superb but special mention must go to Ella McQueen who mesmerised the audience as the powerful John Proctor and who we saw visibly shrink at the hands of Issey Dodd’s brilliantly eloquent Deputy Governor Danforth.

The young women of Salem were chilling in their ensemble pieces of coordinated hysteria superbly led by Sophie Thomas’ scheming Abigail. Rosa Wiggins was sympathetically convincing as the profoundly conflicted and frail Mary Warren. Gradually we watch her succumb to intense pressure with escalating horror and disbelief at the unfolding events.

Directed by Ms Adams, and made up of a crew of extremely talented students from Years 10 to Upper Sixth, the sold out performances captivated the audiences.

Congratulations to all the students involved in this wonderful production, both on stage, on percussion, and behind the scenes.