
News School Diversity Week 26.06.2020

As this week is School Diversity Week, and June is Pride Month, it seems a great time to celebrate our Gay-Straight Alliance, a student-led group supervised by Miss Reid and open to all, whose weekly meetings have continued (on Google Meets) remotely this term.

A typical GSA meeting will include a student giving a presentation followed by time for questions and discussion. Topics this year have included the history of Pride, LGBT-themed art gallery and museum exhibitions, the history of drag, intersectionality and global perspectives on what it means to be LGBT, the meaning of “butch”, transpeople in sport, gay men during the First World War and LGBT persecution in Nazi Germany. The GSA has also sold rainbow ribbons, shoelaces and wristbands at school to raise money for AKT, a charity which supports young LGBT people who are homeless.

We are looking forward to the GSA meeting again in person and continuing the great work that they do in promoting discussion on LGBT issues.