
News Rowing Camp in Ghent, Belgium 20.04.2023

Over the Easter break many of our rowers from Year 10 to the Sixth Form travelled to Ghent in Belgium for the Boat Club’s annual rowing camp.

The Easter rowing camp provides an invaluable opportunity to sharpen rowing skills before the UK summer racing season, balanced with supervised revision for exams. Based in accommodation above the rowing club Koninklijke Roeivereniging in Ghent, this was a perfect setting for training, revision, meals and sleep. Our Sixth Form rowers had the opportunity to row in an eight with four Belgian rowers, and had a great outing. The J15s, J16s and J18s all improved their race readiness for summer racing, including the National Schools’ Regatta for all squads.

The rowing camp trip was not only an opportunity for our athletes to improve their skills, but it also helped to foster a sense of camaraderie and teamwork among all the different year groups in our Boat Club.