
Settling in at Sixth Form Help and Support

New Sixth Form students join tutor groups of around twelve to fourteen pupils. A student’s tutor is a key figure in their Sixth Form journey providing support and encouragement throughout the two years. The Director of Sixth Form and the Deputy Head of Section responsible for the year group will also closely support Sixth Formers.

In June prior to starting in the Lower Sixth, all girls joining us are invited to attend the Welcome to the Sixth Form Day, which provides a chance to meet one another, their new tutor, members of their form group and some subject staff. Information about the subjects they have chosen to study is also distributed.

In the first term of the Lower Sixth year, the following are organised:

  • Initial form times in form groups to help the group bond and get to know each other.
  • An Extra-curricular Fair, which introduces the Lower Sixth, including new students, to the variety of opportunities available outside the classroom should they wish to get involved.
  • The Sixth Form Induction Afternoon, which involves both year groups in a fun, team bonding activity and allows students to get to know Sixth Formers who may not be in their form group or lessons.
  • A coffee morning between new students and the Head Girls Team, so new girls have a chance to ask questions about school life.
  • All new Lower Sixth students are invited to an introductory welcome to the Higher Education Department so that they are aware of the staff and resources available to them for any higher education related queries.
  • Throughout the Autumn Term and beyond, all new LVI students will meet both formally and informally with senior teachers, including the Head, to discuss how they are finding their Godolphin experience so far.



At the end of September, all Lower Sixth parents are invited to a Lower Sixth Parents’ Information Evening. This gives parents the chance to meet key members of staff, including their daughter’s tutor, and to hear more about the Sixth Form and both the A Level and IB pathways.

The first Lower Sixth Parents’ Evening, where parents and students have appointments with subject staff, takes place at the end of November.