
Challenge Your Limits Wellbeing and Happiness

Challenge Your Limits (CYL) is our pioneering wellbeing programme that underpins all aspects of school life and helps our girls become resilient, maintain a positive outlook, embrace challenges and combat the fear of failure that can be a significant inhibitor to girls fulfilling their potential. The programme is designed to develop a “can do” spirit within the school community and to celebrate our achievements. Launched in 2014 with a focus on resilience, from small beginnings it now includes talks, activities and cross-year challenges.

In 2023 the week took place in September to set the tone for the year ahead and the launch assembly introduced the week’s key messages of the importance of creative thinking and how reflecting upon the learning process (as opposed to focusing on the result) will yield the greatest personal development. Students are encouraged to commit to embedding new approaches into their way of working with a view to growing, developing and meeting difficulties with confidence. In particular students have been urged to:

• question assumptions
• embrace uncertainty
• break habits
• re-think and improve
• trust the process

The programme of events included:

  • Year 10 residential ‘Land and Wave’ trip to Dorset
  • Newspaper design
  • Virtual Escape Room
  • Artificial Intelligence in Education talk from Professor Rose Luckin (open to parents)
  • Talks from Inner Drive on Learning Strategies
  • Quiz
  • Lego Building Challenges
  • Talk from Old Dolphin Crystal Eisinger
  • Design a Snack Food Challenge
  • LSE Generate Entrepreneurial Mindset Workshop
  • Charity Fundraising




We could not have imagined how fundamental the Challenge Your Limits initiative – which was pioneering at the time – would be in preparing our girls to deal with what they are dealing with now.
Upper Sixth Parent, May 2020
