
News Old Dolphins studying in the US 28.01.2021

On Monday evening, Old Dolphins Caroline, Edie, Ella, Mia and Talya spoke to our prospective applicants about studying in the United States, sharing the highlights of their university experiences at Brown, Dartmouth, Duke, Georgetown, and Yale.

Joining us all the way from across the pond, the Old Dolphins spoke about some of their favourite courses, such as ‘Happiness and the Law’ and ‘Middle East Politics’, as well as their extra-curricular activities which range from running a radio show to performing in a symphony orchestra. Answering a wide range of questions from our current students, they all emphasised the strong sense of community on campus, the diversity of the student body and the vibrant college life, despite Covid restrictions.

It is always a pleasure to reconnect with our alumnae, and we thank them for taking time from their busy schedules to provide such valuable insight into their college experiences both in and outside the classroom.