
News Old Dolphins Lottie and Alice talk about life after university 24.02.2022

Our Upper Sixth students heard from Old Dolphins Lottie Leigh and Alice El-Darwish (Class of 2016) earlier this week who spoke about their experiences since leaving university.

We run this event annually to give the Upper Sixth a sense of the breadth of opportunities and pathways open to them after university, and to show that Old Dolphins continue to learn, find their passions and indeed change direction as they start their careers. Lottie spoke about her decision to study for a Masters after her gap year travel plans were disrupted by COVID, allowing her to secure an internship at the UN’s World Food Programme; she’ll be moving into a permanent position with the organisation in May. She shared excellent advice for anyone interested in international development, and more generally on how to demonstrate your suitability and commitment to a competitive field. Alice has been a freelance creative since leaving university, working with companies on copywriting and branding. She continues to freelance whilst also working full time for a start up company. Her advice on how to stand out from the crowd and demonstrate your value to clients was brilliant.

We’re very grateful to Lottie and Alice and indeed all our Old Dolphins who are so happy to come and share their experiences and advice with our current students. We are sure all the Upper Sixth students took away important lessons about how to take the next steps after university.