
News Old Dolphin Cecilia Discusses Studying at Yale 13.01.2023

On Thursday, we were delighted to welcome back to school Old Dolphin Cecilia Colao (Class of 2022) who spoke to our prospective Sixth Form applicants about studying in the United States, sharing the highlights of her university experiences at Yale.

Cecilia emphasised the support network available to first-year students at Yale, describing the benefits of attending the International Student Orientation which allowed her to immerse herself in the international community upon her arrival in New Haven. She also explained Yale’s unique Counsellor Program which affords students access to exceptional members of the senior class who offer advice and guidance, easing the transition of incoming first-years to the academic, social, and cultural life at Yale.

With her interests ranging from Ethics, Politics, and Economics to History, Cecilia explained how Yale’s curriculum encouraged her to explore topics she may not otherwise have had a chance to study closely, such as the Origins of US Global Power course she recently took. She also highlighted the wealth of extra-curricular and super-curricular opportunities available to students, such as the Yale Undergraduate Legal Aid Association which she attends, and the importance of enhancing one’s academic experience with opportunities that extend beyond the classroom.

It is always a pleasure to reconnect with our alumnae, and we thank Cecilia for taking time from her busy schedule to provide such valuable insight into her college experiences both in and outside the classroom.