
News Mighty Slice and Bridge students cook up entrepreneurial ideas 05.10.2023

On Saturday, in a joint venture between the G&L Futures Live Projects programme and the London School of Economics’ social enterprise accelerator programme, LSE Generate, over 60 Bridge students participated in a workshop to gain an insight into the world of entrepreneurship.

Emily Tout, alumna of LSE Generate and founder of high-protein cheesecake business the Mighty Slice, tasked the Bridge students (with the help of their Godolphin Year 9 mentors) to create a compelling pitch of how she might grow her start-up over the next year. Operating first in detective mode the pupils developed an understanding of the business, the challenge and the market with an emphasis on delving into industry specific research. Designer mode then took over as the pupils were provided with a clear structure to help them diverge ideas through the application of systematic inventive thinking (SIT). This method of ideation was supported by a decision mechanism to encourage the convergence of individual ideas into a collaborative solution. Finally, the pupils switched to the mode of consultant as they developed a sense of brand for their solutions and then folded this in to a final pitch articulating the case to convince displayed on A3 whiteboards.

Emily found great value in the ideas they came up with and was keen fold some of the thoughts into her pitch to Tesco in a couple of months’ time. Well done to the Bridge students and to our Year 9s for their help on the day.

G&L Futures Live Projects aim to provide students with real-world problem-solving challenges that are fully immersive and experiential helping students develop the soft skills they will need in life. We were really pleased to be able to roll-out the project as part of our Bridge outreach programme.