
News Maia’s Winning Combination: Art, Science and Food 18.11.2024

Congratulations to Maia, Year 11, who has won the age 14-15 years category of the European arts and science competition: Unfold Your World Protein Art Project, run by the European Molecular Biology Laboratory. Launched in honour of EMBL’s 50th anniversary, this youth engagement initiative aims to inspire young people’s creativity in response to the molecular structure of protein. The artworks could take a range of forms, including sculpture, digital images, painting, textile, drawing, or print and submissions were accompanied by a short written statement outlining the participant’s inspiration, learning process, and methodology. This year over 150 entries were submitted from across Europe.

Maia says of her winning artwork: ‘I submitted a suspended sculpture of the egg white protein, ovalbumin, made using a 3D pen. I explained my passion for cooking and how the protein I chose is the most abundant in cakes, so I suspended the protein structure in a linear cake shape.’

Well done, Maia!