
News Literature Week 2020 25.06.2020

2020 has brought its challenges, but Godolphin’s Literature Week has risen to the occasion with a series of remote workshops, competitions and events to encourage students to consider the importance of literature and what reading brings to our lives.

Year 7 and 8 had the opportunity to take part in a poetry workshop led by the performance poet Kat Francois. With a series of videos and questions from Kat, students were asked to write a poem about their experience of lockdown, using all of their senses. ‘Bookface’, a competition where students and staff take a photo of their facebook and match it to a book cover, returned with some very creative submissions and girls also battled it out for literary glory (and House points) in the House Literature Quiz.

Although much of Literature Week has taken place remotely, it was fantastic to see the Library reopened for Year 10 and Lower Sixth, for both a click and collect service for physical Library books, and socially-distanced browsing. It has been fantastic to see so many wonderful books be borrowed ahead of the Summer Readathon that launches at the end of Literature Week.