
News In-house Internships: Students work with sustainable STEM education start-up Team Repair 22.09.2022

Last Friday we were delighted to welcome Meg and Anais from Team Repair who ran a practical workshop for students in Years 10, 11 and the Lower Sixth on how to fix a broken Game Boy.

Meg and Anais, along with three fellow engineers from Imperial College London, created Team Repair with the aim of giving young people the tools, skills, and confidence to repair their broken gadgets, creating a long term impact of reducing waste. 
Students approached the task with enthusiasm and persistence and were delighted when they finally got a working product in their hands – who expected a retro toy to hold such fascination for today’s teenagers? To quote one of the repairers, ‘we should be allowed to take things apart more often’.

This event was the launch for one of our 2022-23 G&L Futures In-house Internships with Meg and Anais setting the students the challenge to ‘produce a fully evidenced concept for a new product that is designed to appeal to 8-12 year old girls and which Team Repair can include as part of their STEM education programme’.  Meg and Anais will be returning in December to hear the team’s pitches and we look forward to working with our students to develop their ideas over the next few weeks.

Our G&L Futures Live Projects provide students with real-world problem-solving challenges that are fully immersive and experiential by linking up with entrepreneurs and business leaders, and the wider community.