
News HomeHack Entrepreneurs 23.04.2020

Over the Easter holidays some of our budding entrepreneurs took part in an online HomeHack three-day course run by 7 Billion Ideas which covered aspects of entrepreneurship, business, and the technologies that will change and improve our society. Throughout the facilitator-led course, our students were empowered to be creative, innovative, and curious in their approach to the future and the world around them, while creating their own inventions to improve the home.

Here we catch up with Year 8 student, Antara, to hear about what they got up to:

‘What does it mean to be an entrepreneur? Well for a start, it takes intelligence and strategy, but if you look at the bigger picture, being an entrepreneur requires a lot of courage and faith. It’s the faith that your business idea is a good one and that it can change the world.

HomeHack really helped me to break down my business idea into stages and took me through the process of producing a final product. The first day was dedicated to thinking like an entrepreneur and coming up with an idea. The key method we were taught was to “pinpoint the problem”. This allowed us to base our product on the solution. My problem was specifically encouraging happiness at this devastating time. By the end of this day all of us had a rough idea as to what our product was.

Day two, allowed us to develop our concept. We were allowed time to build a prototype of our product and calculate our costs and profits. This gave us a more detailed idea of what our product would look like. I have to say, my favourite day was day three. We received an inspiring talk from Tom Whittle, the founder of ‘Mission Tea’. He shared his story of how he found a problem in the world , and how he wanted to solve it. Following this talk, we received a masterclass on how to pitch our product to potential investors through two different methods – the twitter pitch and the elevator pitch.

As a result of learning about all these aspects of creating a business idea – which was such an amazing and fun experience – I managed to develop my idea and turn it into a real product!’