
News Higher Education Preparation Programme Day 06.05.2020

Last Friday, Lower Sixth students listened to a packed schedule of guest speakers designed to prepare them for Higher Education.

We were incredibly grateful that Andrew Long, an admissions tutor from the University of Bath, was able to share his expertise on personal statements with the girls to begin the day. In addition, US applicants were led by Mrs Antebi in a session on the application process as well as receiving focused advice on writing their personal essay.

Subsequently, Mr Higgins led those considering Oxford and Cambridge in a discussion on how best to prepare for the admissions process, prompting some worthwhile research into college choices and admissions tests as Ms Osborne was able to illuminate potential medics on how to handle their application and prepare for BMAT and UKCAT.

The afternoon was dedicated to subject specific advice on personal statements with girls meeting in virtual rooms to begin the process of demonstrating their skills, abilities and commitment to their subject to higher education institutions. Despite the remote nature of the day, live discussions were prompted, intelligent questions were posed, and a buzz of excitement has been generated about the exciting prospect of university life.