
News Higher Education Preparation Programme 2024 26.04.2024

With their practice assessments complete, the Lower Sixth spent Friday taking part in a series of Higher Education preparation activities.

HEPP Day gives Lower Sixth students the opportunity to explore some of the options available to them as they navigate their Higher Education choices. The day began with a presentation by Lizzie Geaney from the University of Bath, who offered great insight into crafting effective personal statements. Armed with their new-found knowledge, students participated in subject-specific workshops to begin drafting their statements. Ms Antebi, our US and International Universities Adviser, led sessions on the US college application process, and students also had the chance to attend a session on applying to Oxford and Cambridge. Students even had some time to showcase their research abilities and independent work — both qualities that universities greatly value in potential applicants — by delving into their Extended Projects and Extended Essays.