
News Gold for Lucy in the Mathematical Olympiad 21.06.2024

Having had two Year 9 pupils qualify for the Intermediate Cayley Olympiad following their excellent scores in the Intermediate Mathematical Challenge we were thrilled that Lucy scored 47/60 gaining a Distinction and a Gold Medal which means she was one of the top 20 pupils in the country (pictured is her medal and book prize which were presented to her just before half term). Camilla also gained an impressive Merit which also places her as one of the strongest Year 9 pupils.

Furthermore, three other Year 9 girls obtained a merit in the Grey Kangaroo and seven girls from Year 10 – Year 11 obtained a merit in the Pink Kangaroo. Merits in each competition are for students coming in the top 25% and were awarded to Frida, Rebecca (Year 11), Kim-Loan, Naomi, Chen Georgia and Emily (Year 10) and Ilioni, Matilda, and Coco (Year 9).