
News Godolphin’s Green Team Launch ‘Project Pollution’ 19.09.2019

The Sixth Form Green Team launched Project Pollution in the whole school assembly this week. The initiative aims to raise awareness of the impacts of car use in London, reduce car pollution and traffic around our school, promote alternative and more sustainable methods of travelling to school and improve the health and wellbeing of our community.

This project is our school’s way of helping to address the air pollution problem in London. Unfortunately, air pollution impacts the health of thousands of Londoners each year and the school’s Green Team is aiming to raise awareness and share ways in which we can help address the problem. They aim to do this through informative assemblies and form time workshops, regular email updates and our ‘Green Point’ action plan.

As part of the project, girls will be able to earn ‘Green Points’ for sustainable actions, like taking public transport, walking or cycling to school all week. Each form will collect ‘Green Points’ which can earn them prizes throughout the year. While we recognise that not everyone can take public transport to school everyday, we hope that the Project Pollution initiative will encourage girls to make a positive change to their transport habits.