
News Geography Film Festival 30.01.2020

On Tuesday evening, the Geography society hosted its first Geography Film Festival – six brilliant short films highlighting the relationship between humans and the environment. The programme was curated by ‘We The People’, a non-profit organisation that has screened more than 200 films on human rights, development, security and the environment.

The films featured stories from around the world including a small coastal community in El Salvador fighting to protect sea turtles from poachers, the discovery of the enigmatic Purple Frog species in the Amazon, the fishing village of Baguran Jalpai in north-east India fighting for its very existence against industry and development, cleaning up the mining industry to protect British Columbia’s Fraser River, the incredible ecosystem protected by the Gwich’in Nation for more than 25,000 years but now under threat, and a project to capture whales’ blows and study its biological matter.

The evening was a great success, with around 100 parents and students attending, so preparations are already underway to repeat it again next year.