
News Futures Working Lunches: Old Dolphin Dr Parvinder Shergill 03.02.2023

On Friday lunchtime we held one of our G&L Futures Working Lunches. Students heard from award-winning filmmaker, NHS doctor and Old Dolphin, Dr Parvinder Shergill (Class of 2006).

Dr Shergill started by telling those present that ‘You can do anything you want, especially as a Dolphin’. Although she knew she wanted to work in Hollywood from an early age, she decided that the best way to overcome the challenges she would face by being an Asian woman in that arena was to get a powerful degree behind her that would help open doors. After a double degree in Medicine and Philosophy and qualifying in Psychiatry, Parvinder began writing a successful blog ‘The Secret Psychiatrist’ and writing articles for The Guardian on her experiences as a psychiatrist. She took time away from Medicine to go to Drama school and has since been acting, writing, directing and producing films – all alongside a full time NHS career.

Dr Shergill told our students to ‘always aim high’ and we don’t doubt that her ambition to be at the Oscars in 2025 will become a reality.