DramaTreading the boards
Theatrical productions at Godolphin are widely anticipated by the school and local community and regularly perform to sold-out audiences. With facilities in the Bishop Centre to rival a professional theatre, students can act, produce, choreograph, direct or run the technical aspects of a range of productions. In recent years we have staged Confusions, The Maladies, and Emilia, and musicals including Beauty and the Beast Jr and Mary Poppins Jr.
There are an exciting range of dramatic and theatrical opportunities on offer for all girls this year including a Year 7 Christmas play – in which every Year 7 girl takes a part, the Lower School Production (Matilda Jr.), the Senior Production (directed by the student Theatre Captains) and the School Production (Twelfth Night the Musical).

"Drama offers plenty of opportunities including backstage, with both annual lower and upper school productions, many led by student theatre and tech captains."
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