
News Euripides’ ‘Electra’ at the Bloomsbury Theatre 24.02.2022

Just before half-term, Classics, Greek, Latin and Ancient History students in Years 10-Upper Sixth attended University College London’s production of Euripides’ Electra at the Bloomsbury Theatre.

The play is a version of the myth of Electra and her brother Orestes, who seek revenge on their mother for murdering their father. The play contains one of the most notable portrayals of a complex female character in ancient literature, explores the intricacies of family dynamics, and raises important questions about the ethics of revenge.

The production was particularly powerful and offered students an insight into student drama at university level, while also providing the opportunity to enrich their appreciation of Greek theatre and ancient literature as studied in school. Not only that, but it was a delight for all involved to return to the theatre at long last!