
News ESU MACE Debating Competition at St Paul’s Girls’ 19.01.2024

On Tuesday evening intrepid debaters from the Middle School competed in the London second round of the ESU Schools’ Mace at St Paul’s Girls’ School. 

The Godolphin team, made up of Middle School students Rania, Lola and Issy, was first up. Although all other students present in the competition were Sixth Formers, our debaters were not daunted and debated their motions with a confidence beyond their years. Issy took the floor as first proposition speaker on a motion that would allow prisoners the vote. Her argument showed not only a sophisticated grasp of the issues, but clear critical thinking. Our opponents tried, but neither their rebuttal nor their substantive pierced the armour of a well made argument. Rania followed up with an impassioned speech on the human rights angle and ultimately the aim of reintroduction of those former prisoners to society. Her principled arguments could not be defeated by the opposition. After a floor debate where tactical questions designed to foil our plans were offered by other schools, Lola swept up the pieces in a decisive and clear summary speech.

We are delighted to be going through to the next round, which will be the decider for the England Final.