
News Drug Awareness Workshops with Drug Education UK 10.11.2022

On Monday and Tuesday this week, Bob Tait from Drug Education UK (DRED UK), and former member of the Royal Navy Drugs Education Team, delivered interactive workshops to our Year 11s and Lower Sixth.

DRED UK aims to broaden awareness of substance misuse prevention and provide early intervention education. The talks provided a safe space to discuss any queries or concerns the students had, and provided an overview of the school’s policy on drugs, the UK law and international laws, including the most recent legislation updates. Students left the sessions with an increased awareness of the direct and indirect impact of substance misuse. Our students also learnt how to understand the effects, signs and symptoms, and how to get help and advice. Bob also gave a webinar for parents on drug awareness, which included up-to-date advice on issues relating to illicit and legal substance abuse, and how to support their children. 

The sessions left our students and parents with the knowledge they need to help them make informed choices both now and in the future.