
News DofE Certificate of Social Value 18.06.2020

Although the Duke of Edinburgh expeditions have been postponed for now, we were delighted to see our DofE Award participants awarded a certificate of social value for donating 3,224 hours of voluntary service to our local community.

Lockdown has affected girls participating in DofE in a variety of ways this year, with the most obvious being the postponement of expeditions. However, many participants were also unable to continue with the various activities they were doing for the other sections of their Awards and in response to this DofE decided to introduce temporary changes to the criteria for these sections.

As a result we now have girls engaged in a variety of home based activities such as preparing meal parcels for elderly neighbours or contributing to the Missing Maps project (volunteering), taking part in online fitness classes or using training apps such as Couch to 5K (physical) and learning about new subjects through online seminars or developing new talents such as how to build a website (skills).

Across London, DofE participants contributed an incredible 356,616 hours volunteering to help others, which equates to a social value of over £1.5 million and we are so delighted that our girls were able to contribute so greatly.