
News Descubriendo Madrid: Year 8 students explore Spanish art, cuisine and history 14.06.2024

Last week, 38 Year 8 students, accompanied by the Spanish department and Miss Garcia, embarked on an exciting trip to Madrid. Setting off at 5.30 am did nothing to dampen their spirits as they eagerly anticipated a week full of activities and adventures in the vibrant Spanish capital.

Mornings were dedicated to language lessons at Enforex school, where the students enhanced their Spanish skills under the hot Spanish sun. The afternoons and evenings were packed with cultural experiences, starting with a visit to the Reina Sofia Museum. Seeing Picasso’s masterpiece, Guernica, was a highlight and set the tone for a culturally enriching trip.

A visit to Las Ventas, Madrid’s iconic bullring, spurred engaging debates among the students about the ethics of bullfighting. The group also enjoyed a delightful evening cooking traditional tapas, such as tortilla, empanadas, champiñones al ajillo, and limonada, with local women from the Carabanchel area.

One of the trip’s highlights was an afternoon in Segovia, where the students marveled at UNESCO World Heritage sites and savored the local specialty, ponche segoviano, from a nearby bakery.

The trip was a fantastic success, providing students with unforgettable memories and a deeper appreciation for Spanish culture and traditions. ¡Hasta la próxima, Madrid!