News Community Problem-Solving Pitch Session 16.01.2025
This year, the Community Impact Club have been meeting weekly with the aim of highlighting and addressing important issues within our communities via social impact initiatives and projects. This year’s ideas include initiatives to tackle the teenage mental health crisis, loneliness and inactivity in the elderly, and the stigma against homeless communities to name a few.
Last Friday, the teams had the opportunity to pitch their proposals to a group of experts from relevant industries, including award winning social enterprise founder Jennifer Ogunyemi (founder of Sisters in Business) and sustainable urbanism design expert Alisha Morenike Fisher (founder of Migrant’s Bureau and the Black Daughter network).
After presenting their proposals to the panel (and a quick tea and cake break!), the teams then had the opportunity to sit down with each expert and receive detailed feedback, advice and mentoring which they agreed will be invaluable in bringing their projects to life.
The experts commented that they were extremely impressed with the ideas they heard, as well as the speaking and presentation skills the students displayed, and the maturity with which they engaged with feedback. We’re now very much looking forward to seeing where the next few months take our teams and their projects!