
News Choral Evensong at Westminster Abbey 23.03.2023

On Monday the Senior Chamber Choir had the honour and privilege of singing choral evensong in Westminster Abbey, before a congregation of several hundred. They also enjoyed the experience of singing together with tenors and basses, courtesy of Radley College, who joined us for the occasion. After rehearsal at Godolphin in the morning, followed by lunch (during which time the boys and girls became increasingly socially confident!) we all travelled to Westminster for further rehearsal, firstly within the precincts and then in the Quire of the Abbey itself: it dawned upon the girls that this was the very spot, in just a few weeks’ time, where King Charles will be crowned.

The choir came together amazingly well, with real precision and ensemble throughout the repertoire, from the responses and psalms, via the magnificent Collegium Regale canticles by Howells, to the anthem My Beloved Spake by Patrick Hadley. The evening was topped off with dinner at Pizza Express, during which the conversation continued to flow, and many new friendships were made, along with memories which will be lifelong.