
News Changemaker Sessions 17.09.2021

Both Year 10 and the Lower Sixth have engaged with workshops at the beginning of the year focussed on changemaking.

Partnering with Thoughtbox Education, students have been learning to develop the skills, capacities and mindsets needed to thrive in a rapidly changing world. Part of this approach is to help reconsider leadership through the lenses of curiosity and compassion and to provide the opportunity in school to practise these new skills. At the first changemaking session at the beginning of term, Lower Sixth students had a lesson in collaboration as cogs within a wider system – from respiratory to solar – and saw firsthand the importance of working collaboratively to implement change.

Through committees such as our Social Impact, Sustainability and Diversity, alongside other similar groups, students will immerse in specific content and deliver a short course to girls in younger year groups working towards a visible and tangible changemaking moment.