
News Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards in British Physics Olympiad 04.06.2020

This year, our Year 10 and year 11 physicists have ventured into the exciting world of the British Physics Olympiad. The BPhO aims to encourage the study of physics and recognise excellence in young physicists through ten annual physics competitions.

Our Year 11 cohort completed the Intermediate Physics Challenge in March, who, despite it proving to be quite a demanding test, brought home Bronze awards. At the beginning of May, our Year 10 cohort took part in the Junior Physics Challenge remotely, with over 90% of students achieving Bronze, Silver or Gold awards; a testament to the amazing work of our girls even under difficult circumstances.

Both competitions were exciting extra-curricular opportunities to extend the horizons of our outstanding students and we are proud of the resilience and determination shown by all of those who completed it.