
News Art and Design students visit Worthing 03.11.2022

On a bright October morning just before half-term, Sixth Form artists set off from Iffley Road for a day of sketching at Worthing beach and esplanade.

The aim of the day was for students to record through their art how the natural world meets the urban in this very special environment. Students demonstrated real focus and commitment throughout the day as they chose aspects of Worthing beach to observe and worked to capture a sense of place and detail in a series of drawn and photographic processes. It was impressive to see how confident the students were in their approach to recording their observations and how creative and critical they were in their thinking.

After a successful morning’s work, we gathered for lunch on the pier to replenish energy in the fresh air and glorious sunshine, dining on whatever delicacies were chosen from the excellent local fish and chip shop. In the afternoon, the groups returned to the beach front to explore more approaches to recording, including beachcombing for interesting objects to work from at school. The discovery of a wave washed wire basket proved visually exciting as well as extremely practical for carrying the finds to the coach before the journey back to London.