
News Anti-Bullying Week 14.11.2024

This week our Head Girls Team delivered assemblies to mark national Anti-Bullying Week which this year has the theme: Choose Respect.

After a short video to explain the concept of the week the Head Girls Team asked students to consider and discuss ‘What is bullying?’ and the girls came up with answers that were very similar to the definition proposed by the organisers of the week, the Anti-Bullying Alliance: Bullying is the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying can be physical, verbal or psychological. It can happen face to face or online.

To counter the harm that bullying can cause, students were then asked to consider the concept of Respect and again their interpretation was very similar to that articulated by the Anti-Bullying Alliance: Respect is treating others with dignity, kindness, and consideration, regardless of their differences. It’s not just about agreeing with others, but about valuing their opinions, feelings, and experiences.

The Head Girls Team and students then went on to consider how this works in practice in a school with some useful insights via video from members of staff. Students were then reminded about the key points of contact in school for anyone who needs support and also the details of external specialist agencies.

We are very grateful to the Head Girls Team for delivering an insightful and engaging assembly to their fellow students.