
News Another busy week in Higher Ed and Careers 17.06.2021

It has been another busy and exciting week in the Higher Education and Careers department. On Monday, Year 11 and the Upper Sixth enjoyed a talk with the founders of ‘Would Like to Be’, a careers based app introducing pupils to a wide range of roles and possibilities. Our students were amongst the very first to use and critique the app, and their feedback and suggestions are being used by founders Emma Rosen and Phil Hewinson for the next phase of development. Both year groups also welcomed back Laughology and continued to hone their communication skills through the use of humour. Founder of Laughology, Stephanie Davies, commented that ‘Godolphin and Latymer is a group of strong women who are future leaders who can achieve anything they want and it was comforting and inspiring to work with them.’

Morgan Stanley and LinkedIn led sessions for Year 11 on CV building and the power of networking, to help students build their own future career support networks. Students were also led through a careers coaching course by our own inhouse expert, Ms Staniland; pupils received a booklet on coaching to take home and share with their parents.

Finally, the Upper Sixth attended a unihacks session in which we were joined by Old Dolphins Libby Ross and Issy Roberts (Class of 2019). Libby and Issy shared their wisdom and experiences of university life with pupils who asked some excellent questions. Pupils were given a unihacks booklet to take home with many exciting ideas which hopefully they will find useful going forward.