
ScholarshipsMusic and Art

At Godolphin and Latymer we do not offer academic scholarships but, for gifted students, we offer Music scholarships at 11+ and 16+ and an Art scholarship at 16+. Candidates applying for a scholarship can also apply for a means-tested bursary if required.

Music Scholarship (11+ and 16+ entry)

This is up to 30% of school fees and is open to a talented musician who qualifies for entry into Year 7. However, there is the possibility of bursary funds being made available to increase the award. A further Music scholarship may be available in the Sixth Form. Music scholarships also attract free music lessons for one or two instruments.

Art Scholarship (16+ entry only)

This is up to 30% of school fees and is open to a talented artist who qualifies for entry into the Sixth Form. However, there is the possibility of bursary funds being made available to increase the award.

Applying for a Scholarship

You must apply in the normal way: application is a two-part process, first you register and then we issue Examination Entry Forms in the October before entry. On the Examination Entry form you can request details of the Music scholarship (and if applying for Sixth Form, the Art scholarship). Once the Examination Entry Forms are issued we can provide you with further details.