
Help With School FeesFully funded places available

Means-tested bursaries

At Godolphin and Latymer, we would like the outstanding education we provide to be within the grasp of every bright girl who is offered a place here, irrespective of their financial background. Our aim is to help families afford our school fees by providing 11+ and 16+ bursaries that are means-tested based on family financial circumstances. Bursaries range from 10% to 100% of fees and the number and amount of awards can vary each year.

Click below to hear the life-changing impact a Godolphin and Latymer bursary had on Isabella, Head Girl 2022-23.


What’s the difference between a scholarship and a bursary?

Do bursary applicants have to perform better in the entrance exams than other students?

How many girls at Godolphin receive help with their fees?

How do I apply?

Do I need to pay the Registration Fee?

How does the school assess the amount of the award?

Can you give some examples of bursary awards?

When will I know if my bursary application has been successful?

Do you provide help for current parents?

If you have any further questions or queries, please contact the Bursar by telephone on 0208735 9595 or e-mail at: finance@godolphinandlatymer.com

Download our Admissions and Bursary Policy