
11+ Entry Joining Year 7



The application deadline for 11+ entry in September 2024 had now passed.


Registration for Year 7 entry in September 2025 is now open. 

Please click here to register


Timetable for 11+ Entry in 2025

Offers: Offers of places are made on the same day as schools within the London 11+ Consortium. The closing date for acceptances is also the same date and time as the Consortium schools.

Girls must be born between:1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014
Deadline for Registration:Noon on Friday 8 November 2024
Deadline for Examination Entrance Form:Noon on Friday 8 November 2024
Bursary assistance application forms for Year 7 2025 (Only completed application forms with all supporting documents will be considered.):All applications for bursary assistance must be completed by noon on Friday 15 November.  (We are unable to accept late submissions.)
Entrance Exam:Friday  29 November OR Tuesday 3 December 2024
Interviews:Friday 17 January 2025
Music Scholarship Applications:Further information may be obtained from the Registrar in October.
OffersOffers will be made by email on Friday 14 February 2025
Acceptance deadlineNoon on Thursday 6 March 2025

We are very happy to receive applications from students with individual learning needs. Applicants who need extra time or other concessions for the entrance tests should fill in the relevant sections of the examination entry form, when this is issued in September/October, and should provide written evidence of their needs. This will usually take the form of a letter from a doctor or an assessment report completed by an Educational Psychologist.