
News A Level Results 2021 11.08.2021

Many congratulations to our A Level students who, despite all the challenges, uncertainty and disruption, remained focused on their studies and achieved excellent exam results this summer.

Our students have secured places on a wide range of courses including English, Economics, Finance, humanities, Psychology, Sports Science, Art History, Liberal Arts, Medicine, Computer Science, Engineering, and a host of science subjects such as Biomed, Chemistry and Physics. A number will be taking up a place on an Art Foundation course before going on to study their degree.

The range of institutions is broad: the majority to Oxford and Cambridge and the top Russell Group Universities and St Andrew’s. European destinations include IE Madrid and Glion in Switzerland to study hospitality. US destinations include Harvard, Yale, and Babson College. 

The Head, Dr Frances Ramsey, paid tribute to the students:

‘We are immensely proud of all our Upper Sixth students who have shown such great adaptability, resilience and good humour whilst studying hard to secure their places on their chosen university courses.  We are delighted to send them off from Godolphin to a wide range of top institutions in the UK and overseas.  This year-group has been remarkable in contributing beyond measure to all aspects of school life during the pandemic, and in supporting the local community with thoughtful initiatives such as providing free tutoring for primary school children.  I would also like to thank our teachers who have worked tirelessly over the past year to support the students and to ensure that a rigorous grading process was undertaken.

We wish the Class of 2021 all the very best as they move beyond our gates and look forward to welcoming them as members of our community of Old Dolphins.’