
News A Level Art and Design Exhibition 2024 14.06.2024

On Wednesday it was the turn of our A Level students to showcase their work at the A Level Art and Design exhibition.

This year’s exhibition was located in the Cloisters and adjacent avenues, and here the superlative standard of work was further illuminated by the floodlit natural light in this exhibition space. Highly imaginative, personal and meaningful responses to individually chosen themes were seen in exhibition, demonstrating a very high standard of technical skill and command of technique across a range of Art and Design endorsements. Preliminary work in sketchbooks evidenced creative and perceptive critical thinking and provided a vehicle for students to research themes which motivated them to explore ideas with committed, discerning enquiry and an open mind to experiment and push known boundaries with techniques and processes of making. The ambition in the artwork was clearly apparent as was the quality of refinement and sophistication of intention and application.

The Upper Sixth students should be extremely proud of their work as we are proud of them for all they have done and achieved in Art and Design at The Godolphin and Latymer School.